Association “Guides” lead students and other visitors on tours, demonstrating unfamiliar items of the museum collection. Training has been passed down through generations of Kelly Guides, professional antiquities consultants and local historians. A lot of information is gleaned from museum visitors themselves!
Kelly Guides’ educational programs are open to the public and usually specific to Tehama County history and / or items in the museum collection. Appraisal Day fundraisers are held annually. An Antiquities expert describes the history, use, and current value of items brought in by the public. Guides continue to restore and inventory the collection by photographing each item and documenting provenance.

The Kelly-Gram newsletter is published and provided to anyone who has donated to the museum, keeping members up to date on museum news, Guides’ educational programs and fundraising social events such as the Ice Cream Social held in the fall. Donors regularly contribute articles and photographs.
If you are interested in learning more or participating in Kelly Guides’ activities, please call 530-527-1129.